Shimla, 17 October
A meeting of Joint Front of HPSEBL Employees & Engineers was held today and all the constituents of front joined the meeting virtually. After detailed deliberation the Front opposed the Government of Himachal Pradesh and the management of HPSEBL move to abolish more than 50 manned posts of SE, Sr. XEN and AE in HPSEBL.
The Convener Er. Lokesh Thakur and Co-convener Shri HL Verma stated that abolition of these posts will hamper the functioning of HPSEBL as these posts are existing since ling from the creation of their offices. They alleged it will mount tempering with the basic structure of HPSEBL and can not be decided in unilaterally. There is certain organization structure created for smooth functioning of HPSEB and having certain norms and delegation of powers and could not be decided in isolation.
They stated that the works section have been created in those field offices where the officer-in-charge must carry out frequent site inspections and other field related works in addition to routine administrative matters pertaining to the office. The Joint Front has already written a letter to the Hon’ble Chief Minister regarding the importance of these offices.
It has, therefore, come as a surprise to the Joint Front that such a move is being contemplated in HPSEBL. It does need bear repeating here that the HPSEBL is reeling under a severe staff crunch, but it is surprising that instead of alleviating the situation, it is being proposed to worsen the situation by creating an artificial scarcity of Engineers at all levels, which is likely to severely affect the working of HPSEBL.
Further, any such move without a detailed study will affect the basic structure of HPSEBL, which has run like a well-oiled machine in Himachal providing 24 hours supply to all parts of the state since the late 1980s. Changing the basic structure of the organisation without consultation with the Joint Front will not only hamper the functioning of HPSEBL but will also be a betrayal of the bipartite agreement executed between GoHP and the Joint Front.
It also needs to be said that this move on the part of the Government is contrary to its earlier actions of creating a Chief Engineer and Superintending Engineer office at Hamirpur and Dehra respectively. Various constituents of the Joint Front had written to the Hon’ble Chief Minister that the creation of these offices will not benefit HPSEBL in any way, but are likely to cause administrative issues in day-to-day operation of HPSEBL.
It is also not understood how the abolition of these posts will improve the financial health of HPSEBL, as being a regulated entity the entire employee cost of HPSEBL has been incorporated in the tariff structure for the year. In fact, the abolition of these posts will only lead to unemployment in the State where opportunities for jobs are few and far between as it is. It has been repeated on various forums that HPSEBL has a high employee cost compared to other States, but that is a misrepresentation of facts, because not only does HPSEBL provide supply in the difficult terrains not found in most States, but is also providing the power without interruption and at a cost which is lower than most states.
The Joint Front decided that front will apprise the Hon’ble Chief Minister and Minister heading the sub commtt with the facts in the first phase and will request them to keep hold on proposal.